Iglesia Catolica Maria Auxiliadora Don Rua, San Salvador, is built to in an updated Florentine style.
Basilica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, San Salvador, El Salvador
Interior of Rosary Church, San Salvador, El Salvador
San Antonio Sonsonate, El Salvador
San Francisco de Assis, Mejicanos, San Salvador, El Salvador. This parish is in a poorer neighborhood struggling with violence. It also lost a number of church leaders, including priests, to the violence of the civil war.
Parish church at Caluco, El Salvador
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción church, Izalco, El Salvador
Iglesia Catolica de Dulce Nombre de María in Chalatenango, El Salvador
In San Salvador especially, the design of churches is quite varied. Because the region is in an earthquake zone, few churches date back more than 100 years. Churches typically are designed in painted concrete, whether as variations on traditional Italian and Spanish designs, or modernist alternatives.