Christmas in El Salvador sparkles with creches and secular displays

  • Santuario Immaculada Concepción de María, Concepción de Ataco, El Salvador
  • The Nativity scene in the front room of the home of Angelo Vitelio Mendez, majordomo of the Cofradía Niño Dios de María, Izalco, El Salvador
  • San Salvador resident and Base Christian Community member, Anita Landeverde, proudly displays her 2013 Nativity scene at home.
  • Nativity, one of several small shrines in San Miguelito Municipal Market, San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Nativity Creche at Cuscatalan Park in San Salvador, El Salvador
  • A home Nativity scene, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Salvadorans are especially fond of setting up decorative crèches with blinking lights. Salvadorans have absorbed American secular representations of Christmas.   

Many of the cofradías also sponsor Christmas-related displays and feasts. In Izalco, the Cofradía Niño Dios de María hosts a large Nativity scene in the front room of the majordomo’s house. The Cofradía del Niño Pepe holds its feast for five weeks, December 8-January 12.