
    Religious Affiliation
    Chart source: Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project, 2010
    Total Population
    817,054 1
    40.9% 1
    59.1% 1
    Immigrants as % of Population
    6.9% 2
    2.46 per 100,000 people (global median: 5.8) 3
    Level of Public Corruption
    68 (100 is very clean, 0 is highly corrupt) 4
    Fertility Rate
    1.40 live births per woman 5
    Under-Five Mortality Rate
    27.00 deaths per 1,000 live births 5
    Life Expectancy at Birth
    72 years 5
    Adult Literacy Rate
    52.81% 6
    Internet Users
    86% 6
    GDP per Capita
    US$3,316 5
    Population Living Below US$2.15 per Day
    0.0% 7
    Gender Gap Ranking based on economy, health, education, and politics
    103 (146 is the lowest ranked country; 1 is the highest ranked country) 8
    Religious Freedom: Government Restrictions Index (GRI)
    4.4 - Moderate
    Religious Freedom: Social Hostilities Index (SHI)
    1.5 - Moderate